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В НАЛИЧИИ → Vacuum pump

Penis Vacuum Pump Beginners Power Pump
1035 UAH
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Pouch white Lovetoy for sex toys
150 UAH
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Vacuum tumbler (pump) stimulates circulation,improves the nutrition of tissues and increases the receptor sensitivity of the male sexual organ. The male pump is designed for vacuum massage of the penis of a man with a purpose to have an erection,i.e. is a means of prevention and treatment of disorders in the form of reduced erection in men. The action of the massager is based on a vacuum effect by creating in a special device, the bulb, the area of negative atmospheric pressure is called a rush of blood to the penis men. The penis will significantly increase in size, due to the rush of blood, and you will be able to control the duration of erection. Thus it is possible to train the duration of erection. I think its worth a try. Купить в магазине Vacuum pump, Вакуумные массажеры, Интимные помпы по поисковым запросам: Гидронасос для увеличения члена, Вакуумный массажер, Помпа для увеличения полового члена, Вакуумная помпа с вибрацией, массаж полового члена, мужская помпа, возбуждение члена, стимуляция пениса.


Маріанна: what is penetration depth?
→ Up to 15 cm.

Ірина: How is the order and how doll to wait IXI30396, on the dimension table, you have a 10-16 and in the product of s-l, how to determine that which corresponds to
→ Fixed table dimension.

Лада: what sizes do they ( the working part and near the crystal) ?
→ Width at thickest part 2.5 cm.

Алекс: Do you have available Dahan Penis Extender Device ? What is included in the complex? What is yevo the real price? Is it possible to order via the Night Express?
→ Hello. This model we always have in stock. Full size photo http://ixi.ua/photo/IXI11724_3.jpg. Price - 960 UAH, send in any convenient way for You.

Алла: You need a large size XXXL. View please.
→ The clothes and linen of the big sizes we have in a separate section.

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