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В НАЛИЧИИ → Penis enlargement

Preparation for penis enlargement 22 Days Penis Extention, 22pcs
785 UAH
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Not every man endowed with a big and long penis. But in the modern world is not a problem. If You want to increase your penis, then there are special devices and drugs to increase the manhood. One way is a vacuum pump, which increases an erection and Your penis becomes hard as stone. The vacuum pump is in great demand among men. Also in this design, there is a pressure adjustment by means of a rubber pear. It is easy and convenient. With a vacuum pump you must use lubrikantny gel. The opportunity to increase the member by 10%. The following method is the nozzle. It is capable of increasing a member of 5-6 inches. Also in the attachments there is an additional relief or bumps on the outside, which further stimulates and woman. And the third option, a cock ring, which greatly amplifies the erection. Купить в магазине Penis enlargement, Увеличение члена, Удлинение, утолщение полового члена по поисковым запросам: экстендер, edtkbxtybt gtybcf, edtkbxtybt xktyf, средство для увеличения пениса, растягивание члена, запчасти для экстендера, устройство для роста пениса, увеличение члена без опнраций.


Тетяна: Have used one time services like prompt delivery and festive packaging :) Left a good impression.

@: Good day!You have ordered MIL37 it doesnt say to put on a Horny dick or not? And apply on the head or on the foreskin?
→ It does not matter in what condition the penis, but it is necessary to apply the crown.

Вік: then how to pull???
→ the ring is worn UNTIL the erection !

Артем: Good evening. Please tell me: discount on sex dolls with IXI48424 article connected with damage, shortages? It is new or a floor model? Product interested... please Send more detailed pictures of this product, including intimate areas. Thank you
→ Hello, this position was at the two-day exposition, as at 5 of 5, there is minor damage on the heels, not return to use was. Detailed video about this doll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2lBO4e4Ito

Юрій: Good day! Please answer: 1. What is the difference between PeniMaster and functional Andro-Penis? 2. Why such a big difference in price? P. S. the Previous order received, satisfied, thank you. Just great.
→ Hello. Describe the difference makes no sense as the Peni-Master for over a year not made and will not be made.

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